I’ve always wished I was a faster scrapbooker.
I’ve wished I would get more scrapbooking done.
I’ve wished I could write more meaningful journaling on my layouts.
I’ve wished my scrapbook room had a self-cleaning feature.
Then my wishes came true!
(Well, not the one about having a cleaner scrapping space, it’s all about creativity, right?)
I learned how to scrapbook faster, get more layouts done AND tell better stories on my pages all at the same time, by taking a LOAD challenge.

I know what you’re thinking, “What is this magical LOAD you speak of?”
LOAD is the LayOut A Day challenge, where you scrapbook a layout every day for a month.
For real.
Yes, it’s possible.
I signed up for LOAD the first time on a whim. I thought, “It would be nice to get more scrapbooking done, but I’ll never be able to do a whole month! Maybe I’ll get 3 or 4 pages done.”
Then I started receiving the daily prompts. I found that by starting the layouts with a story in mind the journaling came easily.
I would find a photo that worked and it didn’t have to be perfect. (If you know me, you’ll know that’s a big deal!)
As the month started to zip by I could barely believe what I was doing! I was scrapbooking every day and I learned something important.
The more I scrapbooked the easier it was getting.
They always say exercise is easier when you do it more often and I guess the same theory applies to scrapbooking too. The more pages I created the easier it was the next day.
These weren’t boring, blah pages either.
These were layouts I was really proud of. I was using creative techniques. I was adding beautiful embellishments. I was scrapbooking important memories.
And that’s what it’s all about for me. Enjoying creating layouts and sharing my important memories.
If you’d like more info about LOAD516 and what it’s like you can check out the info page.
Click here for more info about LOAD516.
It doesn’t cost anything to find out more! Looking is free. 😉
P.S. Until April 20th you can sign up for only $35. After that it’s $50.
But don’t wait. Registration CLOSES on April 30th. So sign up or miss out. Harsh!
P.P.S. Did you know that ScrapHappy members get LOAD challenges as a perk of membership? This April you can join ScrapHappy and save 25% by using the coupon code: happygal
Want to see some of the amazing pages I’ve created during previous LOAD challenges? Check out these:
Make it Monday
Did you arrive here from Photos Kept Alive? Karen has been working on her vacation album from last December. See what progress has been made so far!
Your Next Stop! It’s just around the corner … have you made a card for your Mother yet? Alison Day Designs is sharing some old favourites as well as new creations.
I hope I’ll see you at LOAD516 and that you’ll join me in scrapbooking every day for the month of May!
Let your creativity shine!
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You’re absolutely right about practicing – and you’re so good at it. I’m still thinking about accepting this challenge. It feels scary 😀 Anyway, good work and thanks for your lovely posts!
Thanks Mari! Honestly, I was freaked out the first time I signed up for LOAD. When it comes down to it, I’ll either scrapbook every day, or I won’t. It’s not an Earth-shattering decision. The support from the LOAD community makes it much easier to get through the month, you see how many others are trying to make it work and it helps to keep you motivated! I hope you’ll join us!