I’d love to scrapbook but…
I’ve heard this phrase so many times! Let’s get rid of the ‘but’ and find ways to conquer those pesky reasons that make you avoid scrapbooking!
Lets tackle the three main battlegrounds to so you can start LOVING scrapbooking again!
A. I don’t have enough time
The complaint I hear the most is that people don’t have enough time.
I’ve addressed this in great detail in the post: 10 ways to fit more scrapbooking into your busy life.
Some of the highlights are:
1. Make scrapbooking a priority. If you have time for tv you have time to scrap.
2. Schedule a time to scrap. It is much easier to accomplish anything we make time for. Carve out small segments of time just for your scrapbooking.
3.Keep it handy. If your scrapbooking supplies are buried and hard to access you won’t scrapbook. Find a way to make your supplies accessible.
For more ways to fit scrapbooking into your busy life read THIS blog post!
B. I’m not creative enough
Scrapbooking doesn’t have to be a crafting competition! Scrapbooking is to record your stories and join them with your photos. If you’ve been distracted by all the pretty, shiny, embellishments I can’t blame you, but that is not truly what scrapbooking is about! Read THIS blog post to remember what scrapbooking is really all about!
C. Scrapbooking is too expensive
Scrapbooking CAN be an expensive hobby, that doesn’t mean it HAS to be! Scrapbooking, even very crafty and artistic scrapbooking, can be achieved with very few resources. I blogged about the essentials of scrapbooking in my post about what to pack to a crop. “But, I’m not going to a crop!” You say. That’s okay, you need the same basic supplies to scrapbook at home too! Get the list of essentials HERE.
D. What’s stopping YOU?
I’d love to hear your pain point on why you would love to scrapbook, but… Come on over to the Scrapbook Wonderland Facebook Page and share your biggest scrapbooking complaint!
I really hope that you will be inspired to start sharing your stories in your scrapbooks!
Happy scrappin!