Do you have a collection of embellishment frames that you’d LOVE to use on your scrapbook layouts but just aren’t quite sure what to do with?
Today I’m bringing you an expert at using frames and she’s sharing all her best tips!
Hi, my name is Melinda Greer. I have been a scrapper for almost 21 years. I want to thank Alice for inviting me to share my ideas with you.
Frames frames frames I love them. I didn’t realized just how many I had until I gathered them all together in a pile on my desk. There are big ones, small ones, chipboard ones and cardstock ones, some are square and others are rectangle. I use binder rings and store them but color.
I think frames are very versatile item to have in your stash. I hope these ideas will sparked your creativity to use your frames more often. So with out further ado here is the 10 ways I use frames on my layouts.
1. Fill the page with them, some filled with pictures others with acetate or pattern paper.
2 To draw attention to one picture in a group of pictures by framing it.
3 To add interest to a group of pictures so they all don’t blend together.
4 As an embellishment, the smaller ones are perfect for this.
5 On top of a picture to highlight part of the picture. This was the only picture from my wedding that showed me at a side angle and that was the picture that told my story but I needed to bring the eye to what I wanted you to focus on and not on the cake.
6 As a base for an embellishment cluster.
7 On a Layout with much going on a bold frame can give the picture to proper importance.
8 Just as a layer, with or without filling the frame, it adds color and texture.
9 To house the title. In this layout. I cut the frame and added the cut off part at the bottom as a base for the embellishment cluster.
10 On a busy layout you can use a frame to house the journaling so it does not get lost. I used 3 frames on this layout, one cut in half and filled with paper to add to the layers, one as base for the embellishment cluster and the one for the title.
Here is a bonus Layout that I have done recently for a challenge, Your Stash Video Hop, and the frames saved this layout from the trash can. I used the frames as layers, as the base for the embellishment cluster and to bring attention the title.
Watch the process video HERE!
Melinda has such an amazing scrapbooking style. Please check out her YouTube channel as her videos are as fabulous as her gorgeous layouts. (Don’t forget to subscribe so you’ll see her newest videos!)
Thank you so much Melinda for sharing this blog post with us. It is super inspiring and I can’t wait to use your tips to get some gorgeous frames onto my layouts!
I’ve only used frames a couple of times on layouts but I really love this page that I made using 10 frames on one page. Here’s a sneak peek! Click on the photo to pop over to the blogpost about this layout.
Do you like using frames on your pages? Do you just LOVE Melinda’s fabulous frames? Leave a comment and tell us about it!
Happy scrapping!