If you are a scrapbooker you know that non-scrappy people can have a very difficult time shopping for a scrapbooker.
Just because they found a great deal on some zig-zag scissors and 20 year old Hot Off the Press paper doesn’t mean that you are going to be thrilled to receive them. Ugh!
I’ve found the best way to help them out is to create a scrappy wish list filled with exactly the right things! (Taking it one step further I’m linking each of the images straight to the shopping cart at Amazon! No mix ups=Happy Alice!)
I just saw the new Alphabet punch board from We R Memory Keepers. (If you don’t follow them on Periscope yet… they are just getting started but they started with a bang!) Technically this won’t be out until January, but it’s still on my list. One of the reasons I know it will be great is that I totally love the Envelope Punch Board!
Something I’d really like to play with is the Project Life Fuse tool! I’ve seen some super crafty projects created with this tool and I feel that it opens a world of opportunities with your plastic page protectors.
More circle punches! I ADORE my circle punches and use them for all kinds of things. It’s time to replace a few, and add probably add a few more sizes.
One big ticket item on my list is the Cricut Explore. I’ve held off from buying this as it’s such a big ticket item. I’m still not 100% convinced that I need the upgrade from the Expression, but I have heard such great things that my resolve is starting to be worn down. My problem with these machines is setting up my materials. I actually prefer to use a punch or even a metal die, as it’s faster and easier… that is until you need multiples of something, or a title, and that’s where a Cricut machine truly shines! (Hello Christmas cards!) Hmmmm…. I’m leaving it on the list.
Thickers. I use them all of the time. If I get duplicates it doesn’t matter because you always run out of letters. Thickers are a great thing to receive!
Sparkly, shiny, glossy embellishments. If it shines I know it will find a place in my scrapbooks, so there’s a lot of options!
Gift certificates for a REAL scrapbook store. Okay, I don’t really love gift certificates, BUT… the one exception is to a REAL scrapbook store. Going in and being able to pick out a bunch of scrappy goodness is AWESOME, so I’d recommend that someone pick out one little embellishment and enclose the certificate with that!
(If you live near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada be sure to check out The Urban Scrapbook!)
My friends Lisa, Beth and Danielle are also sharing their wish lists today!
Lisa is at My Kreative Pursuits
Beth is at Scrapping Wonders
Danielle is at Scrapper on the Street
If you haven’t started your Christmas scrapbooking yet I have the perfect way for you to avoid the pending guilt! Join the Scrapbook Christmas in January class! You’ll find out how to capture the memories now and scrap them in January! Click here to scrap your Christmas guilt-free!
I’d love to hear what’s on your scrapbooking wish list too! Share in the comments! I hope you have a a magical Christmas.

*This post contains affiliate links. I only share products I truly use/like and feel good about sharing with you!
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