This is part 2 of a 4 part series of what to scrapbook when you feel your life is too boring to scrap.
In PART 1 we decided that your life is NOT too boring, you just need some better ideas!
In this post we are talking about daily life.
Daily Life
Scrapbook pages are not meant to only share the excitement of novel adventures. Some of the most beautiful and meaningful layouts share the small details of daily life.
Don’t be scared to go a bit deeper into the journaling of your layouts. If you are scrapping about your home instead of just saying, “This is our home.” ask yourself, “How long have we lived here? Why this house? What do you love and hate about your home? What makes this a home? The one thing I’d never change about this house is… or I wish we’d finally do this______!”
You can also talk about the objects around you, the people in your life, the places you spend time, and the things you love.
This list of ideas about your daily life are a good jumping off point to get you started telling your daily stories:
- reading
- drinking
- eating
- what’s on your mind
- pets/animals
- on your walk
- your neighbourhood
- your home
- getting the mail
- around town
- tv shows/movies
- music
- gifts given/received
- your decorations/ornaments
- recipes
- gardening
- cooking
- cleaning – yes, even this! Just think of how different a vacuum will look in a few years!
- currently I am: watching, listening, reading, making, planning, loving
- hobbies/talents
- current events

Go. See. Do. At Home!
The other thing to consider is that perhaps you could use a bit more spice in your life. Each part of this series will focus on something you can do in your own hometown so you feel more connected to your community and bring a bit of variety into your scrapbooking. We’ll focus primarily on things you can do without going too far or spending too much money.
Local Attractions
It’s time to be a tourist in your own hometown. What kind of activities are available close to home?
Find out what’s going on locally. Some areas to consider are food and drinks, theatre and music, culture, recreation and architecture.
- farmer’s market
- festivals
- parades
- sporting events
- local theatre and music
- local restaurants or pubs, especially family-owned establishments
- local shops/stores
- cultural or heritage events
- parks and recreational facilities
- historical tours
You might think that sports events or theatre and music will be expensive and that’s true if you are only considering big teams/venues. Often community theatre and high school sports are open to the community at a small fee. You may even be among the first to see future talent!
You can have even more fun if you make a scavenger hunt of “things to see in your hometown”.
Do you scrapbook about your daily life? What kinds of topics do you cover?
Don’t miss Part 3: Top 10 Lists.
Happy scrapping!