This layout prompt is tons of fun and has so much potential!
I’m thrilled to be a featured designer this month in LOAD215.
(Did you miss the last one of my featured layouts? Check out the CATCH OF THE DAY here.)
Page Prompt
Topic Sentence: Inspired by “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”
Create a page with the topic: “______” Adventures in ________
Day 27
Thanks for letting me have this prompt Lain! My only dilemma was deciding which angle I was going to take for this page! I decided to create a layout that talks about why I started sharing scrapbooking tips online. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is filled with adventure, wonder and creativity and that’s the way I try to live my life, so naming my website Scrapbook Wonderland seemed appropriate. I love sharing scrappy tips because I wasn’t always a confident scrapper. I struggled, especially with journaling, and now that I have solutions I can’t wait to share them. I’m helping others find the joy in scrapbooking so they will tell their stories.

Journaling reads:
Scrapbookers need to fall in love with their scrapbooks. They need to have fun! They need a trip to Scrapbook Wonderland!
When I started my website, to help scrapbookers make layouts they love, I was inspired by the book, ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ by Lewis Carroll. It is filled with adventure, wonder and creativity.
It’s also a lot of fun!
These are the ideals I try to live by in my everyday life. I want a life full of adventure and creativity. I want to marvel and wonder at teh opportunities we have and find joy in every day.
It wasn’t always like this.
When I started scrapbooking in 1999 I got caught up trying to create perfect pages. I was not confident with my abilities and skills.
I struggled trying to scrapbook chronologically when I wanted to scrapbook photos from last week instead. I felt behind. I felt that my pages were inferior and not good enough.
Then life intervened.
In 2005, at age 27, I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. After nearly a year, involving surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation, I was back on the road of life.
But something had changed.
My approach to life was different. I realized I had to live my life NOW. I couldn’t count on the future.
I also realized that my scrapbooks were nothing more than pretty photo albums. Pages that read, “You’re so cute!” and “We had fun!” were not enough for me anymore. That wasn’t REAL journaling! Those pages didn’t share the stories of our life.
Something had to change.
I started to work on sharing real journaling on my layouts. I didn’t leave it in hopes that I would come back to it later. (That NEVER happens!) I struggled to find ways to improve my journaling.
It worked.
My writing improved, and my scrapbooks are now REAL scrapbooks, not just pretty photo albums. They tell the stories of our life and I love them!
I started so I can help other scrapbookers. I don’t want them to feel that same doubt, struggle and lack of confidence I used to. I share the tips, tricks and techniques I’ve learned to take the confusion and mystery out of scrapbooking.
I show scrappers how to share their stories. I want them to know that it’s important to tell them, now.
I make it simple, easy and fun.
I’m make scrapbooks that matter, and I can’t wait to help others do the same.

If you can relate to wanting to share REAL stories on your pages and you are tired of making pretty photo albums that don’t tell the stories of your life I invite you to join our email list. It’s my goal to show you how to tell your stories AND have fun with the scrapbooking too! Subscribe here.
Thanks for spending time here with me. I encourage you to share one of your stories today. You are welcome to share your comments about your big lessons in life or scrapbooking in the comment section as well.
Happy scrapping!

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Great lay out, I like to read about people’s stories. If don’t do anything else on my page, I do the journaling!
Thanks for commenting Shauna. You may be the very first scrapbooker that I’ve EVER heard say that! I’m so thrilled… you have the most important part figured out.
Hi Alice! I just discovered you thanks to Lain’s LOAD 216 class I am participating in. I’ve been scrapping for nearly 20 years, and I still just love it. It’s so great to read your post above about your scrappy journey. I can certainly relate to the process you describe about feelings, guilt, pressure, and chronology in scrapping our lives. Like you, I’ve landed in a place where I’m just happy to tell a story, any story, about my life and the lives of those I love. Whatever story I choose to tell today, is one more that was not recorded yesterday. As long as I’m enjoying the process, I’m doing well.
I look forward to seeing more of your creativity, and to exploring content here on your blog. It’s very nice to meet you!
fancyscrapper, aka, Cynthia Arwood
Thanks Cynthia! It’s amazing how much inspiration LOAD brings into my life! I can’t wait for LOAD516!
I love that we’ve both come to the understanding that it’s about what we do, and not what we don’t. I hope I’ll see you in the next LOAD. Thanks for commenting here, it truly made my day!