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One Little Word for 2013

This year I’ve decided, somewhat at the last minute, to play along with Ali Edwards in the quest to let One Little Word be a catalyst for enriching my life. What is One Little Word you ask?  You chose a word, one word, to sum up what you want for yourself this year. To invite something into your life, whether you want to celebrate or to let go. Then you immerse yourself in your word.

I had considered a few different words, fun words like:





But… none of those words was my word. At least not right now.

Instead my word is something that, at first glance, is completely opposite to those bright, shiny, happy words.

My word is:

It seems like such a rough and tough word, but I think that ‘discipline’ has been unfairly categorized. There is so much meaning in the word. Most people automatically skip to thoughts of punishment and control, however on www.thefreedictionary.com this is the definition:

from thefreedictionary.com

Training that produces mental improvement and self-control. YES!  That is exactly what I need in my life right now.

Discipline will help me improve in several area in my life:

  • meeting deadlines
  • creating structure in our daily life and our homeschooling life
  • being ‘on time’ 😉
  • achieve my fitness and nutrition goals
  • develop my website to share more great scrapbooking techniques
  • other areas I haven’t even considered!

So I’m embracing the word DISCIPLINE as my One Little Word this year. Watch for more posts showing how this adventure affects my life this year!



Share your One Little Word with me in the comments below!  Do you have any suggestions on incorporating this into your life?