I AM EXCITED!!! LOAD starts tomorrow!

Have you ever WISHED you got more scrapbooking done?
Have you ever WONDERED how to tell the stories from your life?
Have you ever WANTED to feel more inspired about scrapbooking?
LOAD is the answer!
Load is an amazing adventure, where, with motivation, suggestions, and a good ‘ole kick in the butt (a theoretical one!) you will accomplish the amazing goal of scrapbooking a layout EVERY SINGLE DAY in February!
Yup… it’s that awesome! I’m embarking on this grande adventure and… if you are somewhat of a procrastinator, kinda like me, you might not have registered yet! Oh wait! I DID!!!
Yes, I’ll be updating you about my amazing LOAD adventure, and if you don’t hurry up, you won’t get to join me… ’cause LOAD starts TOMORROW!!
Click here to register for LOAD TODAY!!
I hope you’ll jump in and join me!
P.S. Did I mention that there’s some Fabulous Prizes?
P.P.S. Want to see how I’ve been prepping for LOAD? Click here.
P.P.S. Why are you still here? GO REGISTER!! You’ll be happy you did!