Do you know this scrapbooker? It was me. I’d work for hours on a layout, getting it just right. I included beautiful papers, lovely embellishments, only to freeze up at the journaling. I had absolutely nothing to say.
In a half-hearted attempt I’d add, “He’s so cute!” or “It was fun!” and I’d call that page complete.
Deep down I knew, that wasn’t ‘real’ journaling, but I couldn’t figure out what to do instead.
Want to know the solution?
I wrote an article sharing 19 Questions to Ask Yourself for More Meaningful Journaling in the winter edition of Retro Hip Magazine.
The magazine is a digital download and it is beautiful! I highly encourage you to check it out.
Here’s a sneak peek at a few of the questions to give you a peek! 😉
- What happened that caused you to take this photo?
- What were you feeling before you took the photo?
- What funny thing happened or was said?
- How does this remind you of another moment from the past?
- Does this moment represent something that happens all of the time?
But, I’m not just going to just tease you… I’ve also included a free PDF download here so you can see the whole list and use it to inspire your storytelling.
Over the next few days I’ll be back with layouts and examples of how to put these questions to work for better journaling.
Click the image or the link below it to download the list as a PDF.

19 Questions for More Meaningful Journaling
Do you struggle with journaling? Download the list and let me know which of the questions you think will help you the most!
Happy scrapping!
Alice Boll blogs at and she hosts the membership group. She enjoys creating the layout a day (LOAD) challenges to get scrappers inspired to do more scrapbooking and share their stories. Connect with Alice on Instagram @aliceboll